What is rate of return 401k
You can calculate your 401(k) plan's rate of return by comparing its current value to its value at a previously documented point of time. Dividing it current value by the previous value will It would make sense then that many would want to see the average rate of return on 401(k) plans as high as possible. Unfortunately, recent history reveals the average 401(k) return is below par. Average 401(k) Return vs. The Market. Just four years ago, the average rate of return on 401(k) plans was an abysmal -.4%. On top of that, all financial investment tools are subject to the effects of the market, world events and the overall health of the invested economies. Therefore, the average rate of return is going to depend on a lot of factors. That said, the average 401(k) return across the industry has historically been around 5% to 8% annually.